Briefing Series June 2018
FRRP Themed Briefing 1 Reservist motivations to serve
FRRP Themed Briefing 2 Families, relationships & Reserve service
FRRP Themed Briefing 3 Supporting employer and employee engagement in the Reserves Service
FRRP Themed Briefing 4 The Reserves and wider civil-military relationships
FRRP Project Briefing 1 Negotiating civilian and military lives: How Reservists manage their military service, families and civilian work
FRRP Project Briefing 2 Keeping Enough in Reserve: The employment of hybrid citizen soldiers and the Future Reserves 2020 programme
FRRP Project Briefing 3 The role of Army Reservists: An analysis of their experiences and the attitudes and perceptions of civilian employers, regulars and significant others
FRRP Project Briefing 4 Sustaining Future Reserves 2020: Assessing organisational commitment in the Reserves
FRRP information sheet – qualitative research and numbers of research participants
Additional Briefings
Best practice in employer support for Reservists: The views of Reservist employees
Journal articles
Timothy Edmunds, Antonia Dawes, Paul Higate, K. Neil Jenkings and Rachel Woodward (2016) Reserve forces and the transformation of British military organisation: soldiers, citizens and society. Defence Studies 16 (2): 118-136. It is also available at:
(2018) War is where the hearth is: gendered labor and the everyday reproduction of the geopolitical in the army reserves, International Feminist Journal of Politics, DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2018.1442736